Friday, February 08, 2008

Feast Day - St. Josephine Bakhita

St. Josephine Bakhita

To learn more about this flower of the Sudan, view photos, listen to original music, please visit Jane Ellen's website.


  1. Isnt this wonderful Saint an inspiration to us all?

    Peace & love to you

    Marie xoxooxox

  2. She sure is Marie. Did you catch the Two Suitcases on EWTN?

    Peace and love to you too.

  3. Lovely link, thank you. I love this saint and have for some time been writing her story for my godchildren. One day it will be finished...
    I blogged about her on my homeschool blog. I might go back and add this link.

    Thank you for tagging me for the world blogger :)
    BTW my white stone name is from Rev 2:17- a true name given by God. I have found this so's a long story.

  4. Thanks for sharing the origin of your name WS.
