Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dominican Sisters of Mary: Mother of the Eucharist

Shared by my friend Melissa.


  1. Thanks, Esther, for posting this. We have a grandaughter in Oregon, who is wanting to look into the possibility of a vocation.

    I sent this video to her. It's very well done and quite inspirational.

    Hope all is well with you and yours.

  2. Oh, that's wonderful Mary Ellen. We are fine. Thank you. Hope you are well.

  3. I have two friends at this convent, one a postulant and one to make her first vows in August. It was a joy to catch a glimpse of them. Such a well done vocation clip.

  4. Hi Esther, can you tell me how to post this video on to my blog page? I am new to all this. Kind regards Joanna

  5. Ex: What a small world! I'm glad you were able to catch a glimpse of your friends.

    Joanna, I replied on your blog. Let me know if you still need help.

  6. Wow! I love hearing Sisters talk about their vocation journey :-)
