Saturday, December 15, 2007

Well, I Know It's Not My Fault

I buy lots of books :-)

Originally from Ironic Catholic and H/T to Ma Beck where I saw it.

BTW, I don't remember seeing the disclaimer that No Actual Books Were Harmed in the Making of this Video" :-(


  1. LOL Esther I roared with laughter Hhahahahhahaa!!!!!

    Honestly when I went to the catholic library in Adelaide and saw a pile of books in a shopping trolley and they told me they were going to burn them!!! I literally threw myself over the trolley and BEGGED them to SAVE OUR BOOKS! They gave them to me LOL!

    I saved St. Augustine, Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich, Fulton Sheen, Francis de Sales, Jean Vanier, Bl. Henri Suso and the list goes on.

    It nearly killed me to carry them home but I did it *does a rocky running up the stairs* YES! I saved our books!Wooohooooo!!LOL.

    Peace, JOY & G'night my friend,

    Marie xoxoxox

  2. Wasn't that hilarious! I thought about you saving all those treasures while I was watching it too. My favorite was the Sydney Carlton one.
    Which Fulton Sheen book did you save?
    BTW, I loved the chat last night.
    God bless my friend,
