Thursday, December 13, 2007

Update - on the Franciscan Sisters Minor

Prayer Request for Franciscan Sisters Minor

This update comes from my friend Shana:


I spoke to Diane, the daughter of Sr Mary Clare of the Franciscan
Sisters Minor and was updated on the new convent for the sisters.

The Diocese of Worcester has finally located a suitable house and is
now working out arrangements with the sisters. A good amount of money was raised, but not enough for the house to be purchased outright. Mother
Clement is working with the diocese to form an agreement that will
comply with their Rule and still allow the sisters to move in --maybe
'rent-to-own' -- but since the sisters have vows of absolute poverty,
there are some pretty big obstacles that have to be worked out first.

It is not too late to send donations to the Diocese for the new
convent! Donations, marked "St Paul Cathedral/convent", with "Franciscan Sisters Minor" in the memo line, can still be sent to:

Roman Catholic Diocese of Worcester
49 Elm Street
Worcester, MA 01609

The Sisters are all very grateful to all who have given generously to
the cause of their new house! They were astonished to see how many people from all over the country (and I think a few from out of the country)
sent donations and could not imagine how so many found out about their
need so quickly. Diane can only speak with her mother by phone once a
month or so, and had no time to write to her, so none of the sisters
knew about my asking on their behalf through the blogs! If you have prayed for them or sent money, consider yourself thanked into Eternity by the Sisters!

In the Sacred & Immaculate Hearts - shana


  1. How thoughtful you are Esther to help these wonderful Sisters.

    Only a few years ago a Franciscan Monastery was closed down due to declining numbers, how sad:(. But we still have the Carmelites...they are also few and elderly.

    We must PRAY for our Priests and Religious and most importantly for Vocations.

    Peace & JOY to you:)


  2. A note to let you know, dear sister and friend, how proud I am of you!

  3. Marie, if they can get help by my posting someone thoughtful enough to send me an email, then it's the very least I can do. It is so sad when elderly sisters and priests have no where to turn. That truly breaks my heart.

    I join you in the prayers dear Marie.

    Thank you so much Easter and I really mean it. I am not just saying it because you said it first :-)
