Thursday, December 13, 2007

Prayer While Shopping During Advent

Thanks Sue!
Dear God, as I look through my gift shopping list, I hold up to you
each person listed on it. Slowly, one by one, I ask that the fire of
your abundant love burn within each of them. I pray that the gift I
find for each person will bring joy into that life.

But, help me to keep a balance this season, Lord. Let me keep my
buying in perspective, not to spend more than I need to or can
afford. Let me not give in to the pressures of this world and not
equate love with money spent. Let me always remember the many, many
people who have so much less in material things. Help me to buy
wisely, so that my choices will not burden those in other countries
who are so deeply affected by this country's economy.

And finally, loving God, help me to find time in the frantic moments
of each day to become centered on you. Walking through a store,
riding on the bus, hurrying down a street: let each of these times be
moments when I can remember your incredible love for me and rejoice in it.
<*}}}><Half the Kingdom!


  1. WOW! What a beautiful prayer. I just put up a post from our late beloved Pope John Paul II about the lonely during Christmas. It moved me very deeply and I wanted to share it.

    I love this prayer because of its common sense:). Thankyou Esther I will copy that out and keep it.

    Peace & JOY to you:)


  2. Oh, wow! Need to print this out and post it on my car's visor!

  3. I will be sure to check it out Marie!

    Glad you both liked it.

  4. I love that prayer! I did try to say, "Help me find a nice gift for X, Lord" but naturally this prayer was much more eloquent!

  5. Diana, it never occurred to me to pray for that intention. (smacks my forehead)
