Saturday, December 08, 2007

The Immaculate Conception Prayer


Prayer for a Holy Life

Virgin Immaculate,
Mother of God and my Mother,
from your throne in heaven
turn your merciful eyes upon me.
With full confidence in your goodness and power,
I beg you to help me in this journey of life,
which is strewn with dangers for my soul.

I entrust myself completely to you,
that I may never be the devil's slave through sin,
but may always live a humble and pure life.
I consecrate, my heart to you forever,
since my sole desire is to love your divine Son Jesus.
O Mary,
since none of your devoted servants has ever perished,
let me too attain salvation.

From New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing

1 comment:

  1. I loved this prayer and linked to it. Thank you for posting it.
