Saturday, November 17, 2007

Reflection on Judging Others

Raulito of Disciple of the Dumb Ox has a very good post on Matthew 7:1-6. Many times judging others is on the top of my list of sins to confess. One very wise priest would often remind me "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

It also reminds me of a seen in the movie Witness the one where Harrison Ford is protecting a young Amish boy who witnessed a killing. The young boy tells his grandfather that the killer was a bad man. The grandfather chides him and says something to the effect "You can see what is inside his heart"? That has always stuck with me. Of course, it would help if I remembered it before I judged someone.


  1. Good to remember...we all deal with this to some extent.

  2. Good Post Esther!

  3. man is prone to judging others. Christ's words, judge not lest ye be judged is a very good example for us to follow as Christians.iam very glad you put this up because sometimes we need a reminder not to judge others. this is wonderful of you to put this up esther!

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I am glad you enjoyed the reflection. I am honored by your compliment. I had hoped that it would have made sense to at least one other soul. Thank you!

  5. Thank you Raulito!
