Friday, October 19, 2007

What the Saints Have to Say About - The Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist
When you place a Eucharistic spark in a soul, you have implanted therein a divine seed of life and of all the virtues which is self-sufficient.
- St. Peter Julian Eynard
Our Savior has instituted the most august sacrament of the Eucharist, which contains His flesh and blood in their reality, so that whoever eats of it shall live forever. Therefore, whoever turns to it frequently and devoutly so effectively builds up his soul's health that it is almost impossible for him to be poisoned by evil affection of any kind.
- St. Francis de Sales.
Yesterday, on approaching the Most Blessed Sacrament, I felt myself burning and I had to withdraw. I am astounded that so many who receive Jesus are not reduced to ashes.
- St. Gemma Galgani
As the bread, which comes from the earth, on receiving the invocation of God, is no longer common bread but Eucharist, and is then both earthly and heavenly; so our bodies, after partaking of the Eucharist, are no longer corruptible, having the hope of the eternal resurrection
. - St. Irenaeus
Surely such a stroke of love should be enough to awaken anyone from the slumber of indifference. Let such a one reflect upon this Mystery and say to himseelf: 'It is God Almighty who will come down upon the altar at the words of consecration; I shall hold Him in my hands, and converse with Him, and receive Him into my breast."
- St. John of Avila
As a woman, compelled by natural affection, hastens to feed her babe from her overflowing breast, so also Christ ever nourishes with His Blood those whom He regenerates.
- St. John Chrysostom
If as often as the Lord's blood is shed, it is poured fourth for the remission of sins, I ought to receive it always, so that my sins may always be forgiven. I who am always committing sin ought always to have a remedy.
- St. Ambrose
Many mothers there are who after the pains of childbirth give their children to strangers to nurse. But Christ could not endure that His children should be fed by others. He nourishes us Himself with his own blood and in all ways makes us one with Himself.
- St. John Chrysostom
Jesus Christ found a way by which He could ascend into Heaven and yet remain on the earth. He instituted the adorable Sacrament of the Eucharist so that He might stay with us and be the Food our soul; that He might stay with us and be our Companion.
- St. John Vianney
The proper effect of the Eucharist is the transformation of man into God.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Let us suppose that the last day has come and that our doctrine of the Eucharist turns out to be false and absurd. If our Lord now asks us reproachfully: "Why did ye believe thus of my Sacrament? Why did ye adore the Host? may we not safely answer him: "yea, Lord, if we were wrong in this, it was you who deceived us. We heard your word, This is my Body, and was it a crime for us to believe you? We were confirmed in our mistake by a hundred signs and wonders which could have had you only for their author. Your Church with one voice cried out to us that we were right and in believing as we did we but followed in the footsteps of all your saints and holy ones."
- St. Robert Bellarmine

From The Wisdom of the Saints by Jill Haak Adels.


  1. Wonderful, wonderful quotes. So much food for thought.

  2. I've added this book to my wish list. I'm enjoying the material.

  3. Hi! I just came across your blog tonight. I wanted to let you know about free giveaways that I host every week at my site. All of the giveaways are from companies who make their products here in the USA! I don't make any money off of this - I just want to see more jobs stay here in America. Come check it out - and spread the word!

    Thank you!

  4. Hi Esther,
    How I love this! Thank you!

    Anyway, I have seen some Catholic blogs that promote the book 101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation...

    I would like to mention Sr. Patricia's book also 201 Inspirational Stories of the Eucharist at

    Mahalo and Aloha. As my nun friend from Italy who came to visit mistakenly said "Maloha"... I say Maloha to you.:-)

  5. hi esther! its freebie time again at Divine Mercy! your readers can come to my blog and request to enter my contest for november give away. it is for a free rosary and medal. there is no guessing game with this one. just simply request that you want to enter my contest and on november 1st, i will put all the names in a hat and shake it and the one that comes out first is the winner!

  6. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Surely such a stroke of love should be enough to awaken anyone from the slumber of indifference. Let such a one reflect upon this Mystery and say to himseelf: 'It is God Almighty who will come down upon the altar at the words of consecration; I shall hold Him in my hands, and converse with Him, and receive Him into my breast."

    This is so true. I love this quote. It shows the humility of God that He would come to us in the form of bread and wine.

    Thanks Esther:)

    Peace to you:)


  7. Micki: Thanks Micki, feel free to use on your blog.

    Alexandra. I need to get it too. I just borrowed the library book and had to return it today.

    Thanks Patriot.

    Maloha Easter! :-) I love that! Isn't that the book you autographed for me? I need to get the priest one I think. I forget now.

    Mahalo DM.

    Thank you Marie. God bless you all.
