Sunday, October 21, 2007

Trust in God

Taken from My Daily Bread, Confraternity of the Precious Blood

"...To neglect Me is to neglect Him Whom you need most and Who loves you most. When you trust in humans without considering My place in your life, you are building on sand. All intelligence, strength, and every good thing are My gifts. Without these gifts you are nothing, and your life is a wasted effort.

Your human friends can fail you , at least by the inability to help you in all things...
Humans are so often fooled by appearances. Some people are impressed only visible results. Their praise is worthless because they fail to see the inner goodness of others. Or again, they do not realize how brief are the trials and joys of this present life. Am I that shallow or do I try to follow God's way of thinking? Is my trust in Him shaken by the judgments of worldly-minded people? It is never God Who lets me down, but it is I who fail Him. I refuse to trust in Him completely by letting Him govern my daily life as He wishes. As a result I find myself slipping or failing in life's greatest achievement-the daily battle for goodness and holiness.
My God, what great folly is there than to think that I can manage my daily life without Your guidance and assistance? Yet, on many occasions I do just that. I go about my business without consult You. You are my surest refuge and my glory, my hope and all-powerful Helper. Without You I am truly nothing, and my life is a wasted effort. Only with Your help can I hope to reach Heaven's eternal success. Let me never again waver in my confidence. No person, no thin, no event will ever again shake my trust in You. I shall esteem my friends for what they are worth, but never will I think more of them than of You . My loyalty shall be first to Your holy Will and then to all others. Amen.

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