Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Special Prayer Request for Christians in Saudi Arabia

I received the following email yesterday from someone in one of my Catholic e-groups:
Dear Priests and Prayer Warriors,

I am from India and currently working in Saudi Arabia. I am a silent member of this group for the last one and a half years. I used to read all mails and greatly benefited by each one.

As most of you are aware of, Saudi Arabia is one of those countries with no religious freedom. The official religion of the country is Islam. Public practices of all other religions are strictly prohibited. Even private practices were considered as criminal offence in earlier days. By Our Lords Grace, now private practices are allowed.

Before the Mohammedans conquered this part of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia was a Christian nation. Apostle Paul passed through his mission trips and converted the gentiles here to Christianity. When the Mohammedans conquered, they forced the Christians to convert to Islam and it is believed that there was more than 30,000 Christians were beheaded or set to fire for their belief in Christ. Now these martyrs are the chief intercessors for this country.

The country is dedicated to the Patronage on Our Lady of Rosary of Fatima. We all are aware of the conversion of Russia and Poland, when consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. On those footsteps, we, Jesus Youth KSA, decided to dedicate 100,000 Rosaries by 2008 Easter, for the conversion of this Country. We request for your prayers for the success of this project. We request your earnest help in mobilizing these much Rosaries for this intension. I know I am asking too much, but will you be able to pray an extra rosary everyday for this special intension and / or get help from others in doing so. Those of you who are willing to take a commitment, please let me know, so that we can make sure that we achieved the target in time.

I am sending this as a very special personal request to all of you as we can’t do it publicly because of media censorship.

Dear Prayer warriors try to be part of this great program as much as you can. If anyone can offer fasting, other prayers for this intension, will be greatly appreciated.

Waiting for your confirmations!

God Bless

Love & Prayers

Thanks & Best Regards

Francis Mathew


  1. Sounds like a awesome idea, I will offer up Prayers as well.

  2. Thank you Tracy. The author of the letter saw your comment and it pleased him! I hope more people join in.
