Friday, October 26, 2007

Saint JoseMaria Escrivá - On Priests

My friend Denise emailed me the following: The bold emphasis was added by me. I believe I have posted this previously, maybe in the Summer when I visited my parents and read The Way there but it is always a good reminder.


A Priest — whoever he may be — is always another Christ


Though you well know it, I shall remind you again that a Priest is 'another Christ'. And that the holy Spirit has said: 'Nolite tangere Christos meos — do not touch my Christs'


Presbyter — Priest — means, literally, an elderly man. If old age deserves veneration, think how much more you ought to venerate the Priesthood


It shows very little refinement — and great lack of respect — to make fun of a Priest, whoever he is, and whatever the pretext!


Don't place a Priest in peril of losing his dignity. It is a virtue which, without being pompous, he simply must have.

How that young cleric — a friend of ours — prayed for it: 'Lord, grant me... eighty years of dignity!'

Pray for it for the whole Priesthood, and you will have done a good thing

It cut you to the heart to hear people say that you had spoken badly of those Priests. And I am glad that it hurt: for now I am sure you have the right spirit!

To love God and not venerate his Priests... is not possible.

Like the good sons of Noah, throw the mantle of charity over the defects you see in your father, the Priest.

You can check them out at: Escrivá Works

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