Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Didn't Know Fr. Euteneuer Was an Exorcist!

H/T to Sue
Exorcist fascinates audience with demonic details

Audience members at Church of the Annunciation, Rosedale, were so intently focused on Father Thomas J. Euteneuer’s exorcism talk Oct. 21, that when someone in the crowd muffled a sneeze – they flinched.

About 130 people attended “An Evening with an Exorcist,” listening carefully as Father Euteneuer talked about how demons target their victims and how an exorcism takes place.

Father Euteneuer, a priest for the Palm Beach, Fla., diocese who is living in the Archdiocese of Arlington, Va., said he’s been involved in exorcisms for nearly five years and has performed three or four that expelled demons as well as several deliverances, which use prayer teams for people who aren’t fully possessed.

The priest, who heads the pro-life organization Human Life International, said he is investigating three current cases of possession...
Article from the Catholic Review


  1. I didn't know that either. I was really proud of him when he spoke to Hannity about contraception. He didn't waiver one bit.

  2. I liked and admired him after he took over for Fr. Paul Marx. I really did so after the H & C thing. What a priest!

  3. When we saw him talk last year he was talking about some of the weird stuff that had happened to him after doing exorcisms. :o

  4. I would love to hear him in person.
