Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Driver's Prayer

Sacred Heart of Jesus, grant me
a steady hand and watchful eye,
that none be hurt as I pass by.
You gave life. I pray no act of min
take away or mar that gift divine.
Protect those, Lord, who travel with me
from highway dangers and all anxiety.
Teach me to use my car for others'
needs and never miss the beauty of
Your world through excessive speed.
I pledge to drive with loving concern
to my every destination,
offering each travel hour to You
in a spirit of reparation.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
my auto companion,
have mercy on me.

-From Beloved Catholic Prayers,Apostolate of the Word Sacred Heart League


  1. This is a cool prayer all the way around, but especially this line Teach me to use my car for others'
    needs and never miss the beauty of
    Your world through excessive speed

    Lord have Mercy, may I remember that!

    (although, I have to admit, your fair state is the only place I've seen "Minimum Speed" signs)

  2. Really Mimi? How about that!

  3. I said this prayer. So perfect for Hallow's Eve. Thanks Esther.

  4. You're welcome Easter!
