Friday, September 21, 2007

Follow up - US Conference of Catholic Bishops Appoints Woman with Pro-Abortion Ties as Policy Director

One of my readers left the following comment with regard to this story and I would like to share it with you. Mahalo Debbie for taking the time to post this:
From: Deirdre McQuade, Director of Planning & Information

To: Diocesan Pro-Life Directors, State Catholic Conference Directors & Friends

Date: September 19, 2007

Re: CNS Interview with Ms. Kathy Saile, New USCCB Director of Domestic Policy

Today Catholic News Service published an article on Ms. Kathy Saile's recent appointment as the USCCB's domestic policy director. The full text of Nancy O'Brien's article may be found on the CNS website at: CNS.

By way of background, posted a piece Monday that has caused much unnecessary confusion. It inaccurately implied that Ms. Saile had pro-abortion commitments.

The CNS interview clarifies that the talk she gave, rather than endorsing abortion, actually challenged the seven women in attendance to question the abortion rights "litmus test" for political candidates.

I trust the CNS article will help dispel any rumors that may be starting in your community about this important appointment. We look forward to working closely with her upon her arrival in mid-October.



And, make sure to check out Jean of Catholic Fire's post Is She or Isn't She?"

Kathy Saile, who once gave a speech on promoting liberalism at a conference held by a pro-abortion group, has been named Director of Domestic Policy for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
Article from Life Site


  1. Someone needs to tell them to put the joints down and back away slowly.

  2. I have a response from the USCCB on this. If you like I can post it here.

  3. Please do Debbie. Thank you.

  4. Memo

    From: Deirdre McQuade, Director of Planning & Information

    To: Diocesan Pro-Life Directors, State Catholic Conference Directors & Friends

    Date: September 19, 2007

    Re: CNS Interview with Ms. Kathy Saile, New USCCB Director of Domestic Policy

    Today Catholic News Service published an article on Ms. Kathy Saile's recent appointment as the USCCB's domestic policy director. The full text of Nancy O'Brien's article may be found on the CNS website at:

    By way of background, posted a piece Monday that has caused much unnecessary confusion. It inaccurately implied that Ms. Saile had pro-abortion commitments.

    The CNS interview clarifies that the talk she gave, rather than endorsing abortion, actually challenged the seven women in attendance to question the abortion rights "litmus test" for political candidates.

    I trust the CNS article will help dispel any rumors that may be starting in your community about this important appointment. We look forward to working closely with her upon her arrival in mid-October.



  5. Hi Esther,

    Thanks for the link.

    Just a minor detail - the post is entitled "Is She or Isn't She?"

    God bless you!
