Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A Child's Missal

Nick of Mount Carmel Bloggers shares the link for a beautiful online Missal for children.
Now that Summorum Pontificum is in full force, I thought I'd repost this link to A Child's Missal from The Society of St. John which beautifully explains The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The illustrations come from a deep immersion in iconographic language and the pictures of the Mass show its timelessness. It's great even for adults. So if you're looking for a resource to teach the Mass, this is a fine one to add to your library. Best of all, you may download the complete book in pdf. However, it is worth getting hardbound.


  1. Esther:)

    I dont have children but I am sure many parents will find that link valuable.

    I just wanted to let you know that Ginny has a childrens faith blog. Here is the link for that:

    She has done some wonderful work on it from Our Lady to short biographies of the Saints. There is also 'Learning the Faith' in simple to understand language.

    I hope you and your readers will think about allowing their children to read it.

    Peace & blessings to you:)


  2. Thank you Marie. I will be checking it out!
    God bless,
