Monday, August 06, 2007

Join in a Nationwide Day of Prayer and Fasting for Life

In preparation to the 40 Days of Life, today we should join in with the others by praying and fasting as per the following email received today:

BTW, Tim Drake's Article explains it in detail as well as my previous post:

To: Esther
Fr: 40 Days for Life Coordinators
Re: National Day of Prayer and Fasting

Dear Esther,

Just a quick reminder...

With just one day left before registrations begin for 40 Days for Life, the national coordinators are asking you -- and other believers in your
community and across the country -- to join together in a nationwide day of prayer and fasting TODAY, Monday, August 6.

Realizing that 164 cities and towns in 43 states are actively considering joining this historic campaign, it's vital that we all get down on our
knees and turn this entire effort over to God.

Please spread the word and ask others to join you in seeking God's will for our nation, for your community's involvement in 40 Days for Life, and
for each person's unique role in this effort.

Yours In Christ,

40 Days for Life
National Coordination Team


  1. That program intrigues me, and it seems to be picking up a lot of interest. I signed up for the database.
    "Celebrate Life" magazine has an upcoming article on 40 days for Life.
    I'll be with you in prayer.
