Thursday, August 16, 2007

Allah, God...the Same Thing?

Thanks Sue!
Bishop Martinus Muskens of Breda in The Netherlands has called upon Christians to begin calling God “Allah”. Bishop Muskens is confident this will promote better relations with Muslims and, after all, “God doesn’t really care how we address Him.”
Catholic Culture: A Rose by Any Other Name


  1. In my opinion, while I recognize that God is beyond names, we cannot call him Allah. THAT would be placating to the Muslims. Their militant members are at war with us, and us calling God "Allah" is tantamount to opening the door to surrender. No way. What's next? Open the door another crack and surrender something else about our faith? No. I'm not budging one iota.

  2. The extremist representation of Allah is a hateful and spiteful entity. Our God is love.

  3. No budging here either...
