Friday, June 15, 2007

Side Bar

As you may have noticed, I have revamped my side bar a bit. Thanks to Ramblings of a Catholic's Mom inspiration. In an attempt to make the side bar a little easier to read, I have divided them into a few groups.

I also noticed there were a few blogs that I had inadvertently left off the sidebar. I am not going to say whose those were as you may not have even noticed. ha ha. Seriously, that has been corrected. I am also adding a few new ones so make sure to take a look.

I will be adding others as time goes on.

Happy Feast of the Sacred Heart!


  1. Esther, thank you for mentioning me! I'm glad you like my blog's setup.

    My blogroll is organized through Bloglines, which allows you to put everything into folders and will alphabetize it for you. They have the free code there that you can plug in here at Bloglines, too. Otherwise, I'd never be so well-organized! :)

  2. Thanks Chris. I did not know that.
