Sunday, June 10, 2007

A Letter to Father Ragheed From His Muslim Friend

Father Ragheed
H/T to Ma Beck who once again has posted a few articles regarding this young priest. Thank you Ma for bringing his story to our attention.

The following is an excerpt from the very moving letter:
"In fact, you returned to Iraq, not only to share the suffering and destiny of your people but also to join your blood to the blood of thousands of Iraqis killed each day. I will never forget the day of your ordination [Oct. 13, 2001] in the [Pontifical] Urbanian University … with tears in your eyes, you told me: "Today, I have died to self" … a hard thing to say..."
The entire letter can be found HERE


  1. There is something ironically funny where a priest with the last name of Ragheed conversing with a Muslim.

  2. That was absolutely amazing. Very beautiful.

    Jeff - took me a while to get it =).

  3. Thanks for the link Dean. Glad to see you back. BTW, it took me a bit to get Jeff's comment too.
