Thursday, May 03, 2007

Saintly Advice - Sufferings

BVM and St. Louis de Montfort
Mahalo Sue.

"Take advantage of your sufferings and more so of the small ones than of the great. God considers not so much what we suffer as how we suffer. To suffer much, yet badly, is to suffer like reprobates. To suffer much, even bravely, but for a wicked cause, is to suffer as a martyr of the devil. To suffer much or little for the sake of God is to suffer like saints".

"If it be right to say that we can choose our crosses, this is particularly true of the little and obscure ones as compared with the huge, conspicuous ones,for proud human nature would likely ask and seek for the huge, conspicuous crosses even to the point of preferring them and embracing them. But to choose small, unnoticeable crosses and to carry them cheerfully requires the power of a special grace and unshakable fidelity to God. Do then as the storekeeper does with his merchandise: make a profit on every article; suffer not the loss of the tiniest fragment of the true Cross.

It may be only the sting of a fly or the point of a pin that annoys you, it may be the little restlessness of soul, a slight physical weakness, a light pain in your limbs. Make a profit on every article as the grocer does, and you will soon become wealthy in God, as the grocer does in money, by adding penny to penny in his till. When you meet with the least contradiction, simply say: 'Blessed be God! My God I thank you.'

Then treasure up in the till of God's memory the cross which has just
given you profit. Think no more of it, except to say: 'Many thanks!'
or, 'Be merciful!'
-St. Louis De Montfort


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Beautiful thoughts on suffering. I struggle with this often. Sometimes pride kicks in and you "want" those big crosses so you can say "look what i did", but those little annoying ones are the ones that get you, because there is "no selfish glory" in it.

    It reminds me of this quote by Mother Theresa:
    "In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love. "

  2. Wow, I really like this. It will help me suffer willingly even when I'm supposed to do my chores at home. :-)
    God bless.

  3. That is a really nice reminder! Your friend Sue always sends you the best stuff! If she were in a club her superhero name would be "Mahalo Sue"!

  4. Good quote Travis!

    CT: :-)

    Tracy: LOL!!! I hope she reads this comment.
