Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Prayer of St. Gertrude to Our Lady of Humility

Our Lady of HumilityPainting of Our Lady of Humility by Fra Angelico.
Most chaste Virgin Mary, by the spotless purity with which you prepared for the Son of God a dwelling of delight in your virginal womb, I beg of you to intercede for me that I may be cleansed from every stain. Most humble Virgin Mary, by that most profound humility by which you deserved to be raised high above all the choirs of angels and saints, I beg of you to intercede for me that all my sins
may be expiated. Most amiable Mary, by that indescribable love that united you so closely and inseparably to God, I beg of you to intercede for me that I may obtain an abundance of all merits. Amen.
St. Gertrude of Helfta, Saxony (1256-1301)

Thanks Sue!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Our Lady of humility..thanks for that....
