Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Three Degrees in Accomplishment of God's Will

Divine Mercy
The following is from Notebook 1, page 195, paragraph 444 of St. Faustina's Diary:

According to Sister Faustina's confessor Fr. Sopocko, there are three degrees in the accomplishment of God's will.
1st Degree: the soul carries out all rules and statutes pertaining to external observance

2nd Degree: the soul accepts interior inspirations and carries them out faithfully

3rd Degree: the soul, abandoned to the will of God, allows Him to dispose of it freely and God does with it as He pleases, and it is a docile tool in His hands.


  1. Even the first degree would serve as a major task already eh? hehe.. Well, God is good, and He will provide the necessary grace.

  2. Yes, I agree Mark.
