Thursday, March 29, 2007

Prayer for Family Life

Holy Family
Thanks Sue.

The following is from Fr. Tommy Lane's site

"Dear Lord, with Mary and Joseph, you have lived within a family;
Teach me always to appreciate the precious gift of being part of a family.
Show me ever new ways to protect and comfort those closest to me, and
Let me, each day, do something that will say 'I love you' without
speaking the words.
But remind me also to frequently say those words.
Let me never part from any member of my family in anger.
Prompt me always to turn back without delay - to forgive, and be forgiven.
And let me see your image within each person in my own family, and in my greater family,
Knowing that in your Kingdom, we will truly be one family,
United by your sacrifice on the cross.

(Fr Tommy Lane).

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