Friday, March 09, 2007

Lenten Project for Families - Lenten Scrapbook

Young Jesus

The fare in Lent should be austere
No cakes and ale, no kraut and beer;
No fatted goose with heavy wines,
That Croesus fancies when he dines—
They’re all taboo this time o’ year.

--T. A. Daly

St. Michael's Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary has the instructions for this Lenten project:

"Teaching our children to prepare for Lent spiritually. Points to consider: charity, purity of intentions, Biblical devotions, private prayers, scrapbooks, Sacrament of Penance, almsgiving and fasting".


  1. what beautiful pictures! are they mostly holy cards?

  2. I'm glad you like them Kristin. I collect them from different sources. This one is probably a holy card. Hard to say when I get them from the internet.
