Friday, March 23, 2007

Evening Prayer of St. Augustine

St. AugustinePicture courtesy of THIS SITE

Watch, thou, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give Thine Angels and Saints charge over those who sleep.

Tend Thy sick ones, O Lord Christ.
Rest Thy weary ones,
Bless Thy dying ones,
Soothe Thy suffering ones,
Pity thy afflicted ones,
Shield Thy joyous ones,
And all for Thy love's sake.


With ecclesiastical approval
Source: The Grail- St. Meinrad, Indiana.
Distributed by Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Foran
7306 West Archer Avenue, Summit, Ill. 60501
Please pray for the Frank M. Foran Family.


  1. Thanks for posting this text. I found it via Google.

    Alexander Peloquin wrote a beautiful setting of a modern translation of this prayer, by the way: "For Your Love's Sake." Solo voice, organ, and 'cello.

  2. Oh! I will have to look that up. Thanks for commenting Daniel.
