Monday, February 26, 2007

Corporal Act of Mercy - Feeding the Hungry

Starving child in SudanPicture courtesy of All Things New

To feed the hungry

Today, volunteer at a soup kitchen near your home or bring food to a neighbor in need such as a lonely elderly neighbor.

To help those in need around the world, consider donating to:

Food for the Poor or

Catholic Relief Services. As you know, sacrificing and adding to the Operation Rice Bowl is a Lenten tradition for most Catholics.


  1. Horrible picture, but a stark reminder of what many of our brothers and sisters around the world go through every day. :(

  2. My husband has been giving to Food for the Poor for YEARS.

    THAT is a striking picture.

  3. You should have the first one I selected. It made this poor child look well fed.

    Yes, we started donating to them after they spoke at my mom's parish church. Good organization.
