Saturday, January 13, 2007

Rise in Vocations

Priest and the Eucharist
H/T to Gerald

According to the
National Catholic Register, "The Priest Shortage Isn’t Over, But Seminaries Are Filling Up"

A Catholic Life recently posted that "Fifty five men ordained for the Legionaries of Christ".

Recently, I read that Eucharistic Adoration is fast becoming a very popular devotion.

Could there be a correlation between Eucharistic Adoration and more men entering the seminaries? IMHO, you'd better believe it!


  1. My vocation's director said that where Eucharistic Adoration is, there is vocations.

  2. We have a wonderful new director of our seminary, Msgr. McDonald, who brought back Eucharistic adoration and Marian devotion to the seminary. Within one year, the diocese of Rockville Centre is experiencing a surge in vocations.
    I reported on this last month on my blog.

  3. MB and Leticia! That is what I like to read! Mahalo.
