Sunday, December 31, 2006

Saving a Soul

St. TheresePicture courtesy of EWTN

The blogs and e-groups are buzzing with discussion of Saddam Hussein being put to death for crimes against humanity. Catholics are divided on the issue of the death penalty.

Yet, one blogger reminds us that we should always remember to pray for a soul, like St. Therese, the Little Flower did.
Fr. Dwight shares this incredible story of the condemned prisoner Pranzini and the saint.


  1. I've thought about this for several days now.

    All I've done is reflect but not actually prayed for the man!!!! And my husband is like, "no, he gets his judgement."

    It's so hard, Esther, to pray for mercy on the soul of one who would kill people by dumping them ALIVE into a huge meat grinder.

  2. I know Elizabeth, I am struggling with this one.
