Friday, November 03, 2006

San Martin de Porres - Quote

"Compassion is preferable to cleanliness.
Reflect that with a little soap I can easily clean my bed covers,
but even with a torrent of tears I would never wash from my soul the stain that my harshness toward the unfortunate would create."

So said St. Martin after being punished for picking up a destitute elderly beggar and placing him in his bed at the Monastery. St. Martin went humbly to his superior and asked for forgiveness. He said that he didn't know that obedience took precedence over charity.

St. Martin De Porres (1579-1639)


  1. He was such a saintly example. I love reading how he would not only help the people but he also helped the animals by creating shelters. He could even bilocate and levitate.

    St. Martin de Porres, ora pro nobis!

  2. I didnt' know that until I read your post on it.

    Whenever our pets or an animal needs prayers, I immediately go to him and St. Francis of Assisi for help.
