Monday, October 23, 2006

Photos of the Eucharistic Procession - Part III

The Blessed Sacrament during Adoration. That is a portrait of Blessed Marianne Cope in the background.

This is the first Eucharistic Procession that my family and I were privileged to attend. It was so heartwarming seeing so many people there loving and adoring our Lord, together with our Bishop, priests, sisters, the Knights of Columbus.

The purpose of this day was in part was to pray for vocations. I believe I recognized a couple of seminarians in the pews. Please pray for them and for our bishop, Larry Silva, and for all our priests and religious.

Mahalo Nui Loa Bishop Silva.


  1. What a wonderful opportunity for you guys! How awesome it must have been to be surrounded by so many there for our Lord.

  2. It really was Tracy!
