Monday, September 04, 2006

A Gift for our Blessed Mother on Her Birthday - September 8th

Mahalo Sue for this one too!

Friday 8th September is the feast of the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

As a Gift for Our Lady on this special day, please join with people from all over the world in a day of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion.

Fasting does not necessarily have to be just bread and water. It can be a day of abstinence from sweets, meat, TV, gossip or anything that you have to make an effort or sacrifice in order to do without.

As regards prayer, this can be as simple as 3 Hail Mary's on the day but of course the rosary and Eucharistic Adoration have a special place in Our Lady's heart not to mention the greatest prayer of all, the mass. And yet a moment of personal prayer joined to the prayers of so many will help to change hearts and make this a special day for Our Lady and will most certainly help in the battle against abortion.

Nothing needs to be done except to inform others to take part in this special birthday gift for our Mother who is incessantly praying for us.

May God Bless all your efforts and all your work for the protection of life. Please forward this far and wide.

Stuart McGovern


  1. oh! Our homeschool co op is having a pizza party and a cupcake Rosary for the kids that day! LOL! Kind of the opposite of fasting!

  2. Hmm, I thought I posted a reply here. Anyway, the pres. of our Legion of Mary told me that they are having a dinner and a cake in honor of our Lady's birthday.
