Thursday, August 17, 2006

A Little Gift for My Fellow Catholics

Here is a little Catholic tag I made today. I made them in two different sizes. Feel free to save it on to your own computer for your use.


  1. Thanks, Esther. I put them on a post to my blog, plus I told people they could go to you. I hope you don't mind that when I added it to my sidebar, I have it hotlinked to the Vatican site. I'll add a line below it that links to this post so people can get to it even after the post is gone from my front page.

  2. I love it. It's now my desktop background. Thanks Esther!

  3. This is lovely Esther. I just found it. Thank you!

  4. Thank you -

    it's beautiful!

  5. You are very welcome. I think I made another one too. It was pink color.

  6. Esther ~ Thank-you very much!
    Those of us who are not afraid to speak out and show our love for the Faith will be proud to be Catholic and proud to show this button!
    It's a great idea! :)

  7. So glad you found it Jenn!
