Monday, August 28, 2006

Homeschooling Has Officially Begun

Homeschooling officially began for our family today.

We started the day off bright and early. With good tips from other Catholic homeschooling moms, we started our day off with Mass on this the Feast of St. Augustine.

We then headed off to breakfast with a friend at our local Zippy's. There Joey feasted on a huge Loco Moco. For those of you not familiar with this dish, it is a hamburger patty served on a bowl on rice. Brown gravy is poured over it and a fried egg tops this concoction off. Joey just loves it! My friend Fanny and I just ate a bowl of oatmeal. Yes boring but pretty darn good for us!

We had planned to start the homeschooling day at 8:30 but we ran a little late. We followed the lessons planned earlier in the month and we were off and running. Joey was very enthusiastic about the whole thing. I was just so happy to have my son home again! You can't even start to imagine!

By early afternoon he was done with the day's work and we both felt we accomplished our day's goals.

We finished off the day by going to our local beach, lounging on our boogie boards and thanking God we lived in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

Lucky we homeschool Hawaii!


  1. WHOA! Loco Moco sounds DEVINE! Unfortunately, I would probably gain back all the weight with ONE BOWL of that stuff! Hey, I'm going to post a picture of my son with the hail that fell the other day. Be SOOO glad you live in Hawaii!

  2. LOL! Yeah, Loco Mocos are so unhealthy.
    I'd love to see your picture!

  3. Congratulations and best wishes on your homeschooling year ahead.


  4. Thank you Denise. Day two and it has been so very nice!! Hope your new homeschool year is going well too.
