Saturday, June 10, 2006

A Prayer for the Husband

Used with permission.

Prayer for the Husband

Precious Father, Strength of my spouse,

I give You all the praises!

Father, I pray for my husband, _____________ .

Hold him by the hand as he treads the path

you so carefully prepared for him.

Lift him up when he feels downhearted

and heavily burdened.

Carry him through the times when he thinks

there is no way out of a gloomy situation.

Put a smile on his heart, a twinkle on his face

even when You put him to the test.

Yes, Father, let him be a mirror of your love,

a reflection of Your wisdom and strength...

I know he's not perfect, forgive his sins.

I forgive his imperfections.

Thank you for my husband, ____________ ,

Your greatest gift to me.

Most of all, thank you for You,

You who bless and bind us with Your Love.

We praise you forevermore,

with Your Son and the Holy Spirit,


-Easter Almuena, Sept. 23, 2002

Easter is a Catholic Homeschooling mom.. She and her husband Joe live in Hawaii along with their five wonderful children. Easter is a very gifted writer and inspirational woman. I am proud and privileged to call her my friend.

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