Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Lent - Lessons from the Stations of the Cross


The First Station:  JESUS IS CONDEMNED TO DEATH - Keeping silent in the face of injustice.

The Second Station: JESUS TAKES UP HIS CROSS - Learn to love our crosses and sufferings.

The Third Station:  JESUS FALLS FOR THE FIRST TIME - Keeping vigilant to avoid falling into temptation and the same sins.

The Fourth Station:  JESUS SEES HIS MOTHER, MARY - Comforting Jesus' sorrowful Mother by carrying out Jesus' Will faithfully.

The Fifth Station:  SIMON IS FORCED TO HELP JESUS CARRY HIS CROSS - Being patient especially in adversity.

The Sixth Station:  VERONICA WIPES THE FACE OF JESUS - Being charitable and compassionate towards our neighbor.

The Seventh Station:  JESUS FALLS FOR THE SECOND TIME - Keeping close to Jesus at all times, especially during difficult times.

The Eight Station:  JESUS GREETS THE WOMEN IN JERUSALEM - Praying for living faith;

The Ninth Station:  JESUS FALLS FOR THE THIRD TIME - Seeking forgiveness quickly when we fall into sin.

The Tenth Station:  JESUS IS STRIPPED OF HIS GARMENTS - Stripping ourselves of anything that keeps us from God and bearing all humiliations for the love of Jesus.

The Eleventh Station:  JESUS IS NAILED TO THE CROSS - Loving my enemies and difficult people with the love of Christ.

The Twelfth Station:  JESUS DIES ON THE CROSS - Accepting our crosses without complaint.  Praying and preparing for a happy death.

The Thirteenth Station:  JESUS' BODY IS PLACED ON HIS MOTHER'S LAP - Entirely trusting in  God's Mercy.

The Fourteenth Station:  JESUS IS LAID IN THE TOMB - Fighting for the salvation of souls.

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