Thursday, March 07, 2019

Lent - Jesus' Words to St. Faustina Regarding Sanctification and Salvation

Jesus told Sr. Faustina during His retreat that her sanctification and salvation was assured and available through the sacraments, especially Holy Eucharist and Confession and by:

1.  Totally abandoning herself to His will;
2.  Putting her self-love in the last place;
3.  Shunning gossip like the plague;
4.  Acting kindly to those who sought her harm;
5.  Hiding in His heart whenever confronted by temptation and discouragement;
6.  Trusting He is always with her;
7.  Praying for the sick and the dying;
8.  Always being adorned by the virtue of humility, purity of intention and love.

This is also true for us.

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