Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Thought for the Day: Reflection on the Three Signs of a Faithful Catholic, the Four Last Things and God's Perfect Number

I thought about the following today:

Three signs that a Catholic is faithful:

1.  Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
2.  Devotion to the Blessed Mother.
3.  Loyalty to the Holy Father and the Magisterium

I read today that Saint John Paul II recommended that the faithful meditate often on the Four Last Things:

1.  Death - "We are all going to die someday."
2.  Judgement - "Each one of us will then be judged by Jesus on whether our actions have been good or evil, and whether or not we cooperated with His grace during our stay on earth.
3.  Heaven - "The place and condition of perfect and eternal joy, love and peace with God in His Kingdom.
4.  Hell - The place and state of eternal punishment created for the angels who rebelled against God and those human beings who die resisting God's mercy." **

Finally, it is clear that the three signs and the four things equal to God's perfect number, seven.

**Fatima for Today, by Father Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R.

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