Monday, December 14, 2015

Spiritual Guidance from Saint John of the Cross

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The following is from Magnifcat's Meditation of the day.  It will be shared in a list form for easy reference.   If we read this every day it will remind us how we can actually become holy.

- "Do not commit a mortal sin for all there is in the world, or any deliberate venial sin, or any known imperfection.

- Endeavor to remain always in the presence of God, either real, imaginative, or unitive insofar as is permitted by your works.

- Do nothing nor say any notable word that Christ would not have done or said were He in the state I am, as old as I, and with the same kind of health.

- Strive for the greater honor and glory of God in all things.

-  Do not omit mental prayer for any occupation, for it is the sustenance of your soul.

-  Do not not omit examination of conscience because of any of your occupations.

-  For any fault do some penance.

-  Be deeply sorry for any time that is lost or that passes without your loving God.

-  In all things, both high and low, let God be your goal, for in no other way will you grow in merit and perfection.

-  Never give up prayer, and should you find dryness and difficulty, persevere in it for this very reason.  God often desires to see what love your soul has, and love is not tried by ease and satisfaction.

-  In heaven and on earth, always take the lowest and the last place and office.

-  Never interfere in what you are not ordered to do, nor be obstinate about anything, even though you may be right.

-  And if, as the saying goes, they give you an inch, do not take a mile.  Some deceive themselves in such matters and think they have an obligation of doing that which, if they reflect upon it well, in no way obliges them.

- Pay no attention to the affairs of others, whether they be good or bad, for besides the danger of sin, this is a cause of distractions and the lack of spirit.

-  Strive always to confess your sins with a deep knowledge of your own wretchedness and with clarity and purity."

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