Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Solemnity - The Immaculate Conception


O, Mary Star of the Sea,
Mother of God,
accept my entire consecration to you.
Standing before you, 
I offer your Immaculate Heart my feelings,
my thoughts, my actions, my sufferings, 
my death, 
all I can do,
all that I have,
all that I am.
I wish to love you,
to honor you,'
to defend your titles, 
especially that of your Immaculate Conception,
and to strive to imitate your virtues.
Grant that I may act in everything only through love
for the Heart of Jesus and for you,
Our Lady Star of the Sea.

The Confraternity of Our Lady Star of the Sea
Central Headquarters
PO Box 609
100-265 Morgan City, LA 70381

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