Monday, March 09, 2015

Invocations to the Precious Blood

Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the circumcision, make me chaste of mind, heart and body.

Precious Blood, oozing in the Agony of Jesus from every pore, grant me to love above all things the holy and adorable will of God.

Precious Blood, flowing abundantly in the scourging at the pillar, inspire me with a keen sorrow 
for my sins and a love of suffering.

Precious Blood, falling in profusion from the crown of thorns, grant me a love of humiliations.

Precious Blood, shed so profusely in the crucifixion of our Lord, make me die entirely to self-love.

Precious Blood, shed to the very last drop by the opening of His Sacred Heart, give me that generous love that sacrifices all to God.

Precious Blood, sacred price of my redemption, apply to me Thine infinite merits.

Precious Blood, that dost arrest the effects of divine justice, upon sinners, convert them all, but particularly those who are dear to me.

Divine Blood of my Jesus, I adore Thee from the depths of my heart; I ardently invoke Thee for Thou art my salvation and by Thee I hope to obtain the joys of paradise.

Flowers from the Garden of the Precious Blood.

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