Thursday, January 02, 2014

Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzan

Holy Family - Saints Peter and Paul, Honolulu

Today the Church celebrates the feast of Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen.  They were good friends as well as staunch defenders of Holy Mother Church.  They fought the heretical Arians and this caused them much trouble and suffering.  Both were bishops.

We live in a world where not only are bishops and priests put in positions where they must defend the Church, but also ordinary Catholics.  What a blessing it is when we have a good friend who gives us moral support when we must speak out in defense of our beloved Church.

Sts.  Basil and Gregory, help us when we are called to defend attacks on the Catholic Church.  Help us to remember to be strong and not to be afraid as God will be there to support us.

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