Saturday, November 23, 2013

Christ the King

Picture source

Via Holly.

The Kingship of Christ
Now to the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God,
be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer to Christ the King
O Jesus Christ, I acknowledge Thee as universal King.
All that has been made, has been created for Thee.
Exercise, all Thy rights over me.
I renew my baptismal vows, I renounce Satan,
his pomps and his works, and I promise
to live as a good Christian.
And in particular do I pledge myself to labor, to
the best of my ability, for the triumph of the rights of
God and Thy Church.
Divine Heart of Jesus to Thee do I proffer my
poor services, laboring that all hearts may
acknowledge Thy Sacred Kingship, and that thus
the reign of Thy peace may be established
throughout the whole universe.
+ Amen +

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