Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Father Peyton on the Family Rosary Saving Marriages in Trouble

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Yesterday, I shared Father Patrick Peyton's vision for world peace was the family recitation of the Holy Rosary.  Today, I share with you what he wrote in his autobiography about failing marriages.  He shared the story of Father Woods who was the secretary of the diocesan marriage court in Albany.
"He was constantly having to discuss the problems of couples whose marriages were in jeopardy, and he soon discovered that when he could get a husband and wife to say the Rosary together each evening with their children, a new atmosphere was quickly developed and the prospects for saving the marriage rose immediately." 
If you are interested in reading Father Peyton's autobiography, (and I highly recommend it!), you can order it from the Holy Cross Family Ministries Also, please visit their wonderful site and learn more about Father Peyton. He was a visionary for our times.


  1. Thank you for posting this. I truly believe the Rosary helps all areas of ones life, specially the family :)

  2. Yes, indeed! Mahalo!
