Friday, August 23, 2013

Mother Angelica's Prayer to the Child Jesus

Picture source

O miraculous Child Jesus!
I come before Your sacred Image, moved by love and by hope, and 
I beseech You to look mercifully into my troubled heart.
Let Your own tender Love,
always inclined to compassion, mitigate my troubles and alleviate my sufferings.
Take from me if it be Your Will, all unbearable afflictions and
let me never surrender to despair.
Grant me, Dear Child Jesus,
the special grace I ask from You today in all humility and with a loving trust,
and for the sake of Your Sacred Infancy, always hear my prayers.
Be generous with Your aid and consolation, that I may praise You, and the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Painting commissioned for Mother M. Angelica, Abbess of Our Lady of the Angels Monestery, Hanceville, Alabama

From a Holy Card sent to me by EWTN.


  1. Esther,

    Thanks for posting this ...I have a little statue of the child Jesus on my bed stand, but had lost the prayer.
    I re-posted on my site with a link and h/t to yours.
    I hope that's OK
    Blessings +

  2. Good morning Caroline. Mahalo for sharing the prayer on your blog! It is such a beautiful prayer. God bless.
    PS: Of course, it's okay! :-)
