Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Rule of St. Benedict for Daily Living and The Jubilee Medal of St. Benedict

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The following is from the pamphlet that accompanies the St. Benedict medal.

"This rule of St. Benedict should be followed by all to guide us in our daily lives.  Morals are the foundation upon which a country rises to great heights.  Take away morals, and countries, leaders, and individuals fall.  All should wear or carry this most highly indulgenced and exorcised medal.  - The Jubilee Medal of St. Benedict."
The following are a few of the good counsels:

- To deny oneself, in order to follow Christ.
- Not to seek soft living.
- To love fasting.
- To avoid worldly conduct.
- To prefer nothing to the love of Christ.
- Not to yield to anger.
- Not to nurse a grudge.
- Not to hold guile in one's heart.
- To do no wrong to anyone, and to bear patiently wrongs done to oneself.
- Not to be proud.
- Not a grumbler.
- Not a detractor (slanderer).
- To attribute to God, and not to self, whatever good one sees in oneself.  But to recognize always that the evil id one's own doing and to impute it to oneself.
- To keep constant guard over the actions of one's life.
- To desire eternal life with all spiritual longing.
- To keep death daily before one's eyes.
- When evil thoughts come into one's heart, to dash them at once on the rock of Christ and to manifest them to one's spiritual advisor, (confessor).
- To keep one's mouth from evil and depraved talk.
- Not to love much speaking.
- Not to speak vain words or such as move to laughter.
- to listen gladly to holy reading.
- To apply oneself frequently to prayer.
- Daily in one's prayer, with tears and sighs, to confess one's past sins to God.  To amend those sins for the future.
- To hate one's own will.
- Not to be jealous.
- Not to give way to envy.
- To shun vainglory, (boastfulness).
- To reverence the old.
- To pray for one's enemies in the love of Christ.
-To make peace with one's adversary before sundown.

EWTN has a good explanation on this medal, the way to use it and prayers.

The following is a partial list of the many pious purposes of the Medal of St. Benedict.
1. It wards off from both the soul and the body all dangers arising from the devil.
2. The Medal is powerful in obtaining for sinners the grace of conversion.
3. It obtains protection and aid for persons tormented by the evil spirit, and in temptations against holy purity.
4. It procures assistance in the hour of death.
5. It has often proved an efficacious remedy for bodily sufferings, and a means of protection against contagious diseases.
6. Expectant mothers have obtained special assistance for a safe delivery.
7. In time of storms, tempests and other dangers on land and sea it has been found to be a protection.
8. Even domestic animals have been visibly aided by it when infected with disease.

1 comment:

  1. Ann P3:53 PM

    This is a great resource to refer to daily. Thank you for posting.
