Thursday, June 20, 2013

Theologians approve John Paul II’s second miracle

After doctors and the commission of theologians okayed the second miracle performed by John Paul II, the commission of theologians has also given its approval. All that remains now is for cardinals and bishops to give the go ahead and Wojtyla could become a saint

First the doctors okayed it and now the commission of theologians of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints has also approved the second miracle performed by John Paul II after his beatification. All that is needed now is for the Congregation’s commission of cardinals and bishops to give their approval, in a meeting which should take place in the next few weeks. 

As Vatican Insider wrote, last April, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints’ medical commission recognised a healing performed on a woman by John Paul II as inexplicable. Thanks to this miracle, John Paul II got the halo in record time, just eight years after his death in 2005.

It all took place in utmost secrecy and confidentiality. In January the Postulator for the Cause, Mgr. Slawomir Oder, asked the Congregation for the Causes of Saints for a preliminary opinion on a presumed miraculous healing performed by Wojtyla. After one miracle is approved for an individual’s beatification, canonical proceedings require the approval of a second miracle, which must be performed after the beatification ceremony.

Two doctors from the Vatican’s medical commission had given their approval after a previous examination. The dossier containing the medical records and witness reports was presented officially to the dicastery and the cause was added to the list of causes to be examined.

The steps taken are a clear demonstration of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints’ eagerness to move things along quickly, as they did with John Paul II’s beatification, which Benedict XVI celebrated on 1 May 2011. The preferential treatment given to Wojtyla indicates that Francis is also in favour of the Polish pope’s canonization.

It is still early to talk about dates for the canonization, but the speed at which the examination of the miracle process is proceeding, means it could be celebrated on Sunday 20 October, just two days ahead of the feast day of the Blessed John Paul II, on 22 October.
Orginal source.

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