Saturday, June 08, 2013

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Sacred Heart Church, Honolulu

by St. John Eudes

O Blessed Virgin Mary,
I humbly beseech thee, 
by thy immaculate conception and 
through thy pure Heart,
to take full possession of my heart.
Give it completely to thy Divine Son
and beg Him to banish from it all sin
and to establish in it forever the
perfect reign of His divine love.


O Mary,
mother of Mercy,
O mother of loving grace,
hide us in thy blessed Heart,
draw us to share in thy constant sacrifice,
and immolate our hearts forever in thy sanctuary
and in thy altar, 
to the eternal glory of Thy Beloved Son.


Queen of my heart,
suffer me to offer my own miserable heart to thee.
I beseech thee, 
by the ineffable goodness of thy admirable Heart
to employ the entire strength of the power God has given to thee,
to crush and destroy in my  heart at any and every cost, 
all that displeases thy divine Son.
Establish in me the sovereign empire of His Heart
and thy own.
May these two Hearts, which are one and the same, 
reign within me unceasingly, sovereignly and forever,
for the greater honor and glory of 
the Most Blessed Trinity.

The Admirable Heart of Mary by St. John Eudes

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