Monday, May 13, 2013

Hymns for Our Lady of Fatima's Feast Day

Fatima Ave

In Fatima's Cove
on the thirteenth of May,
the Virgin Maria
appeared at midday.

Refrain:  Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!

The Virgin Maria
surrounded by light
God's Mother is ours,
for she give us this sight. (Refrain)

The world was then suffering
from war, plague and strife
and Portugal mourned
for her great loss of life. (Refrain)

To three shepherd children
the Virgin then spoke
a message so hopeful,
with peace for all folk. (Refrain)

With sweet Mother's pleading,
she asked us to pray.
Do penance, be modest,
the Rosary each day. (Refrain)

We all must remember
our Lady's request
do all that she asks for,
obey her behests. (Refrain)

Queen of the Rosary

The Mother of God came down from the skies,
surrounded with light from Paradise.
She spoke to three children,
"Fear not, come to me
for I am the Queen of the Rosary."

From May through October
the children did see,
the Mother of God o'er
the little helm tree.
So many show no love
for Jesus and me,
said Mary the Queen of the Rosary.

She pleaded dear children
do penance and pray
for Russia's conversion and
peace in our day.
The best way to do this,
most pleasing to me,
is praying each day my Rosary.

The sick and the crippled, the
blind and the lame,
o'er many long miles to Fatima came.
They listened with hope to their
dear Mother's plea,
my children please pray my Rosary.

The sun whirling down from its place in the sky,
was Mary's great sign which none can deny.
The powers of evil were broken that day,
All hail to the Queen of the Rosary.

- World Apostolate of Fatima, National Blue Army Shrine, Washington, NJ

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