Saturday, March 02, 2013

Prayer for the Conclave

From World Priest Day

Heavenly Father, We the People of God, gathered in solidarity as did the disciples in the Upper Room, pray for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the cardinals who will be in conclave for the election of the next Vicar of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the hearts of our cardinals be open to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, beyond human judgment, to elect the candidate most pleasing to you, Heavenly Father, and who will guide the Church at this momentous time in history at the beginning of the Third Millennium.

We invoke our Mother Mary, we entrust this conclave to her maternal and Immaculate Heart, and offer this prayer for her guidance and protection over the choosing of the next Vicar of her Son.



I hope by now you have adopted a cardinal to pray for specifically. My cardinal is Claudio Cardinal Hummes, OFM of Brazil. There is still time to Adopt a cardinal.


  1. This is a beautiful prayer and I will say it many times during the day. Gid bless you and your posters.

  2. Sorry for the typing mistake. God bless you and your posters.

  3. Thank you Ann! God bless!
