Wednesday, January 23, 2013

St. Mother Marianne Cope

"The Beloved Mother of the Outcasts"

Today is the feast of our beloved saint and one of the Church's newest saints recently canonized. Today would also have been her 175th birthday.  The following are excerpts pertaining to Mother Marianne's death from the late Sister Mary Laurence Hanley, OSF's biography of St. Marianne Cope entitled A Song of Pilgrimage and Exile.

"Although her body's strength was failing, Mother Marianne's consideration for others continued until she drew her last breath.  She still thought first of her daughters, just as they found comfort in taking care fo her.  All too well acquainted with the exactions of Sister Death, they did not grieve for their Mother, soon to be released from pain and suffering.  They sorrowed for themselves knowing that soon they would be left without the leader who, as the instrument of God's Will, had given meaning to their lives..."

"Now came the time of greatest anguish of the body. The torment was more than ever Mother Marianne could endure in silence."...During those sleepless nights,...she used to cry out loud, 'Sweet Heart of Jesus, pity me.  Pity me.'  She used to say it so pleadingly."

"And now, for her too, as St. Francis had promised his brothers, 'when death draws near the storm will cese, and there will be a great peace.'"

"As soon as she was anointed all fear left her...."


  1. The statue of Saint Mother Marianne resembles that of Saint Mother Theodore on the campus of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and in the garden at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Washington,DC. True women of faith and dignity!!! Through their faith in God their faith they stood the test and through his grace they prevailed. Have a wonderful day!! Cathy

  2. Cathy, I will have to do research on St. Mother Theodore as I am not sure I know who that is. Mahalo!
